9to5Mac reporting on a new intel Mac Pro

Jose Adorno at 9to5Mac is reporting that a leaker says that Apple will release one more Intel Mac Pro and it will be based on the Intel Ice Lake Xeon W-3300.

Not only would this give a nice boost to the Intel Mac Pro line, it would make up for the fact that they made a modular machine that could be easily upgraded and never bothered releasing a single upgrade for it. And as the article says they are also working on the Apple Silicon version of the MacPro, which will likely be a smaller version of the MacPro, more like a Cube, and it will likely not be upgrade-able, so it would be smart for Apple to release one more upgrade-able machine before they dump the idea of upgrade ability all together.

It seems likely that the Apple Silicon based MacPro will be like every other Apple Silicon with soldered Memory, and fixed gpu on the motherboard, and without the ability to run an external GPU. Now hopefully that also ends up being shown in the price which should be allot less than a fully loaded Intel MacPro, but I doubt it will still be considered inexpensive.

Backblaze cloud backup version 8 on Mac increases threading and reduced disk load according to 9to5 Mac

Bradley Chambers at 9 to 5 Mac has an article on the latest update to the Backblaze app for Mac. They have increased the threads from 30 to 100 and reduced disk load by 80% which can be nothing but good.

I moved to BackBlaze when my previous backup went corporate only. Now it took me a year to get my backup (and I haven’t backed up most of my video files which are just too big) but I use this and time machine to know that my important files will be safe.

Once you lose a hard drive you will always run a couple of backup solutions and having them run better is always a good thing.

Toolfarm’s top 5 plug-ins for under $99 for Premiere, DaVinci Resolve, AVID, Final Cut Pro X, and more

Toolfarm, the plug-in seller has posted it’s top 5 plug-ins for under $99 for various software. For Premiere Pro, Davinci Resolve, AVID, Final Cut Pro X, Audio and various 3D packages.

Always good to see lists of inexpensive plug ins.

Jason Snell at Six Colors is right, you’re not backing up enough

Jason Snell at the awesome six colors blog has a great article on the fact that you are not backing up enough.

And it is true, you need to be backing up in every way possible and with local and cloud based copies, just in case something happens.

I use both Time Machine and Backblaze and even with that I can’t backup everything. I don’t have a drobo to be able to backup everything locally (my video is on a RAID 5, so if a drive fails I should be able to recover that, but even my Backblaze took the better part of a year to backup everything I had set to backup.

Losing a drive one or a whole computer will be the lesson to get you to start backing up, but you need to backup as much as you can and as often as you can, preferable constantly!

CanonRumors is on the possibility of a $799 full frame camera

CanonRumors is reporting that they are hearing from a reliable source that Canon is working on a $799 full frame camera body!

And that could mean a sub $1000 with lens, and with a $100 lens adapter you can use your EF and EF-S lenses. Wow, that would be really amazing.

Of course canon has really given up on amazing video in their cameras when they really started it in DSLR, so it likely wouldn’t be a video power house, but would really push full frame EOS-R as the standard. Maybe someday BlackMagic will update the EOS-R, letting you use R and EF and EF-S lenses.

Neat Video has updated it’s awesome Noise Reduction plug-ins to 5.4.6

Neat Video the creator of the best Noise Reduction software out there has updated it’s software to version 5.4.6.

It has expanded AMD support, optimization for Apple’s M1 chips, and support for the latest Adobe releases. You can read about the changes here.

Neat Video is incredibly good and they keep getting better and faster, the only rival is noise reduction in the Studio version of DaVinci Resolve, but I have found they are great companions, and tend to work on software that the other doesn’t do well on. I try out one and then switch to the other if that one isn’t working as well. And I have Neat for Premiere Pro and After Effects as well.

No Film School on kitting out a Blackmagic 6K Pro Camera

No Film School has an article on kitting out a BlackMagic Design 6K Pro camera to get the most out of it. It is by no means a full look, but it has some great options to look at including cages, storage, batteries and battery handles.

Certainly worth a read.

I so want a BlackMagic 6K Pro. My Canon 60D just shoots such crappy video that my Osmo Pocket looks so much better even without things like lenses. And the fact that I have some canon lenses (though of course not the best glass) means I could have some glass to shoot with it.

And the tilting back screen and view finder really sell it for me if only I was making enough money.

Adobe Illustrator has been updated with M1 support and the ability to rotate the canvas

This morning Adobe updated Illustrator to version 25.3 it’s June 2021 release. It has 2 new features.

Rotate View has been added. Now you can easily edit in a rotated view and quickly return to a normal view.

And full Apple M1 support has been added.

I do love that Adobe is steadily adding full M1 support to creative cloud.

Adobe has updated After Effects to Version 18.4

So adobe updated After Effects to version 18.4. The July 2021 update has the following features:

Improved Default Property naming in Essential Graphics Panel.

Support for MKV Files.

Automatic default audio device switching on Windows.

And it looks like Multi-Frame Rendering has remained in the beta for the moment.

Nothing too monumental here, unlike the Premiere Pro update today.